Neo Trunks Obsession | About Myself | Guest Bookie | Wallpaper and Fanart  


About me? Well really I'm a nut case in Indiana, needing something to do. My real name is Danielle and I'm seventeen years old. I'm a blond and green eyed female with a few pounds. How much is your thought...Don't have many friends but loves the ones she has.

Hobbies: Writting and drawing! Building and repairing Computers, and decoration.

By the way, that is my room>


About the website, it looks like it's new!?

Well the site has been up for over 4 years believe it or not. I've been moving around with terrible family life. It's been hard to keep it up until now. Finally I've moved into a new home and been able to get started on finishing my school and hobbys like this, and get some new friends!



Check out what My site used to look like!

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I love computers....*Smiles*